
We are committed to respecting the human rights and dignity of individuals within our operations, 供应链, 以及我们做生意的社区.


  1. 我们以尊重和尊严待人.
  2. 我们努力营造一个没有骚扰和歧视的工作场所.
  3. 我们致力于包容和促进工作场所的多样性.
  4. 我们禁止强迫、抵押、贩卖和童工.
  5. 我们的招聘是合乎道德的.
  6. 我们提供公平的工资和福利.
  7. 我们促进和保护工作场所的健康和安全.
  8. We prohibit practices that impede the possession of or unrestricted access to personal identification documents.
  9. We recognize the freedom of workers to associate or not associate with a labor union, 在法律认可的工会的代表下进行集体谈判.

我们进行尽职调查,以避免参与侵犯人权的行为, and we seek to avoid causing or contributing to adverse human rights impacts through our own activities and business relationships.

We strive to provide and/or cooperate in the provision of effective remedy when adverse human rights impacts occur as a result of our activities. We operate in a spirit of continuous improvement and are committed to increasing our capacity to identify and respond to concerns.

适用法律与我们的政策有何冲突, we maintain legal compliance but seek to raise awareness of best practices within our spheres of influence.

We deliver human rights-related training and awareness-raising activities among employees.


We expect our 供应商 to comply with contractual requirements and to respect human rights in a manner consistent with this Policy within their operations and 供应链s, 或法律或合同所要求的更高标准.

We work to promote respect for human rights within our spheres of influence through stakeholder engagement, 协作, 参加各种论坛.

我们鼓励员工, 供应商, 利益相关者也要大声疾呼, 没有惩罚, 关于任何问题. 我们不会容忍对任何工人的报复或报复, 供应商, 或其他举报涉嫌违反本政策的人.


工人, 供应商 and others are encouraged to report any suspected violations of this Policy by contacting the 亚洲体育博彩平台诚信热线:

电话: +1 844.543.8351

电子邮件: askaquestion@亚洲体育博彩平台.com

在线: 完整性.亚洲体育博彩平台.com

C / O 道德Point
P.O. 230369箱

This Policy is guided by international principles including those encompassed in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, 《首页》, 国际人权法案, and the International Labor Organization’s Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

We prioritize the management of human rights impacts and modern slavery risk based upon our operational context and ability to influence. 因此,我们专注于劳动和雇佣实践以及工人福利. 认识到随着时间的推移,其他权利可能会变得更加突出, 我们定期检讨我们的重点领域和方法.



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